Elder Law, Medical Assistance, Guardianship

 Elder Law, Medical Assistance, Guardianship

Elder Law

Elder law attorneys concentrate their practice on legal services for the elderly, disabled and their families. If a loved one needs long-term care in-home or in a nursing home we can assist you with facility choice and placement, financial planning to cover care costs and the public benefits (Medical Assistance) application process. We use our over two decades of experience to support and guide you in all aspects of your needs. From planning placement and care to preparing your Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney and Advanced Health Care Directive. We will protect your income and estate assets for your retirement years. We litigate for you when necessary to obtain services or protect your money.
Family — Elder Law in Baltimore Ave, Media PA

Medical Assistance
After consultation we develop a financial plan in line with your long term care goals and needs. We also provide hands on assistance assembling and submitting your application and communicating with the Department of Human Services to get benefits approved. We handle litigation at the local and Commonwealth Court levels

Patient and Nurse — Elder Law in Baltimore Ave, Media PA
Patient and lawyer — Elder Law in Baltimore Ave, Media PA


If you or a loved one requires court supervision and intervention or a Petition to declare you incapacitated has been filed asking someone assume control of your person or your financial affairs; we can help. We secure guardianship Decrees when necessary to protect your loved ones. We walk you through each step of the court process and afterward to ensure you understand your fiduciary obligations and court-ordered responsibilities. You can rest easier knowing you and your loved ones have care plans in place no matter what the future holds.

Patient and Nurse — Elder Law in Baltimore Ave, Media PA
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